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    News announcement



    We invite undergraduate students from all over the world to apply for our exciting research projects led by professors Reyhaneh Jabbarvand, Darko Marinov, Sasa Misailovic, Tianyin Xu, and Lingming Zhang. The topics include software testing, program analysis, compilers, program repair and synthesis, ML and software engineering, probabilistic programming, as well as distributed system and operating system reliability. Applications are encouraged until March 29 (23:59:59pm AoE timezone), but will remain open until the positions are filled out.

    The collaborations will be remote and mostly unpaid. Your reward is research experience and potential support for application to PhD programs. Undergraduates working with us have been accepted to graduate programs at CMU, Cornell Tech, EPFL, ETHZ, MIT, Northeastern, Northwestern, Princeton, Purdue, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UIUC, UMass Amherst, UPenn, UT Austin, UWashington, Waterloo, and more. For some former students, see http://mir.cs.illinois.edu/marinov/students


    伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)工程学院是美国顶尖工程学院之一,其电机工程、计算机科学、材料科学、机械工程、核子工程、航天工程、土木工程、环境工程,工业工程,生物/农业工程等专业均位居全美前十。其中,计算机系近年来排名稳居全美前五(US News)。根据学术排名权威网站CSRankings.org,在软件系统综合方向(包含软件工程、程序语言、操作系统、安全、高性能计算、数据库等子方向)和软件工程子方向(根据软件工程四大顶级会议发表情况),UIUC目前均位列全美第一。






    申请方式:请认真填写Google问卷并提交CV链接: https://forms.gle/Qqru9JQwA1JNKYmZ8
