One full scholarship graduate student teaching assistant position (2022 Fall) and one Postdoc position (2022 Fall) are available at Dr. Jingyue (Ellie) Duan’s Epigenomic and Functional Genomics Research Group at Cornell University - Department of Animal Science. The positions will be located at Cornell main campus in Ithaca, NY.
PI: Jingyue (Ellie) Duan, Ph.D.
Lab website:
Graduate Teaching Assistant position (deadline Jan 1st, 2022):
The successful candidate must be goal-oriented, highly self-motivated and dedicated to be productive and open to interdisciplinary projects. Applicants should have strong interests in molecular biology, embryology, epigenetics, genomics, or bioinformatics. Practical experience in cell culture, embryo culture, NGS library construction and/or analysis of NGS data is highly preferred but not required. A master’s degree or research experience is preferred. Full scholarship includes stipend and tuition funding are available within the Department of Animal Science. Criteria for selection:
Postdoc position:
• The successful candidate must be goal-oriented, highly self-motivated and dedicated to be productive and open to interdisciplinary projects.
• A PhD in molecular biology, genomics, or other disciplines with relevant training
• Experience with molecular lab skills, genomic/epigenomic sequencing library preparation: RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc.
• At least two first author or co-first author papers with submitted, accepted, or published status in peer-reviewed journals
• Capable of independent research, writing manuscript, multitasking, and working in a collaborative atmosphere both within and outside the laboratory
We recognize the candidates may have their own sets of skills in their field which may not completely match with the advertised position. We foster diversity in the workplace and encourage any interested individual with a strong record of research productivity and relevant experience to apply.
Application process
Interested individuals should forward the following documents to (Dr. Duan):
• CV, including a list of publications; list of relevant technical skills; list of references.
• up to a 2-page statement of research experience and goals.
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