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    得克萨斯大学西南医学中心 Liu Lab诚聘博士后

    Two postdoctoral fellow positions are availablithe laboratory of Chen Liu,Ph.D.① ithe Center for Hypothalamic ResearcaUSouthwestern Medical Center.


    About our group

    Our group  studies how the nervous system controls energy and glucose metabolism. Ongoing research focuses on addressing key issues in neuroscience, metabolism, and medicine:


    1)We explore the neural circuits that regulate appetitive behaviors (e.g., Park et al., Nature Neuroscience, 2020; Yoo et al., Cell Reports, 2021; Li et al., Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2022) to develop new therapeutic strategies for treating obesity and diabetes.
    2)We study neurodevelopment in the hypothalamus, identifying novel genetic deficits responsible for severe, early-onset obesity in children (e.g., Chen et al., Journal of Neuroscience, 2020).
    3)Additionally, our group is one of the few labs that conduct NIH-sponsored research on antipsychotic drugs (APDs)-induced metabolic syndrome (e.g., Lord et al., Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2017; Li et al., Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2021), a critical clinical problem currently affecting millions of patients.
    The Liu Lab provides training opportunities in a wide array of laboratory skills. We excel in generating novel mouse genetic models using CRISPR-based genome editing, having developed more than 40 lines in the last 8 years. Our research spans diverse neuroscience techniques, such as stereotaxic surgeries, optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulations, in vivo calcium imaging, and diverse rodent behavioral paradigms. We conduct comprehensive metabolic phenotyping analyses, including metabolic chamber studies. Moreover, our lab pioneers the development and application of cutting-edge methods for next-generation sequencing experiments, including single-cell/nucleus multiome sequencing (e.g., Li & Xu et al., STAR Protocol, 2023), CUT&RUN, and spatial transcriptomics.
    More importantly, postdoctoral training in our lab emphasizes the development of professional skills essential for future success as a PI. This includes specialized training in scientific communication and grant writing. Postdoctoral fellows in the lab participate in annual national or international meetings and are encouraged to present their work at various scientific venues and write their own fellowships. Consequently, fellows in the lab have a track record of winning multiple research awards at conferences (e.g., Keystone Symposiums) and competitive fellowships (e.g., AHA postdoctoral award).
      About the city 
    Dallas-Fort Worth is the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the United States. It is home to a vibrant Chinese community, featuring numerous Chinese grocery stores, restaurants, and cultural activities. Moreover, the DFW airport provides direct flights to major cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong.
      To Apply  
    Candidates must hold a recent (within two years) Ph.D. degree. Experience in molecular biology, neuroscience, metabolism, or development is recommended. Interested individuals should send a CV and a list of three references to: Chen Liu, Ph.D. Email: chen.liu@UTsouthwestern.edu
    For additional information, please contact the two current postdoctoral fellows in the lab. 李立 Li2.li@utsouthwestern.eduPh.D. from The Institute of Genetic and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) or徐佰杰baijie.xu@utsouthwestern.eduPh.D. from The Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences).