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    News announcement


    美国肯塔基大学Dr. Peng Wang实验室招研究助理

    Research Direction: Data Analytics in Additive Manufacturing

    Advisor: Dr. Peng Wang


    One full-time Ph.D. research assistant position in either the Department of Mechanical Engineering or Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Kentucky (UK) is available for Spring 2021. The position is expected to work on advanced data analytics in additive manufacturing, including but not limited to 1) image processing for thermal and structural characterization, 2) predictive modeling of process dynamics, and 3) process optimization and control.


    1)have a master degree (preferred) and a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, and engineering, or related fields; 

    2) have the certain background knowledge and research experience on machine learning; 

    3) strong data analysis and programming skills preferred; and 4) must be enthusiastic with self-motivated, positive, and optimistic personality.

    About the PI and Lab:  

    Dr. Wang joined UK in 2019, when Augmented Intelligence for Smart Manufacturing (AISM) Labhttp://manufai.engr.uky.edu/ was launched. The lab aims to explore machine learning and artificial intelligence for improved information extraction and pattern recognition towards smart, data science-enhanced manufacturing. The lab has received multiple external grants (including two NSF grants) so far.

    Application and Inquiry

    If you are interested in this position or have any questions, please contact Dr. Peng Wang atEdward.Wang@uky.edu with your CV and transcripts.